Monday 24 September 2012


Hai...we meet again for this meeting...
So, how u all..hopefully, u all is alright....., I will tell what I have learn in this chapter...I have faced a difficulty during learn this subject...It is about we want to know how to attract customer to be loyal towards our products or is not easy right??yes...!!but, by using this centric, we can know how much time customer spends on each purchase...from here, we can know the frequency, recency and monetary use this, we can enhance decisions to help customer relationship management success...

By use this, it will help organization to achieve their target and also decrease the costs...from this, we can help the organization to plan their strategy in order to make customer demand to their products...they can do their marketing in order to attract the customer,to make a campaigns and sales promotions...

Friday 7 September 2012

Aq manusia biasa...


Pagi yg indah ini.....

Entah knp hatiku rasa sayu je pg ni...mungkin sbb rindukn kluarga atau ada sesuatu yg m'yentuh hatiku....
sbgai manusia kita slalunya inginkn yg trbaik buat diri kita..tetapi,kdgkala ia mungkin mmberi kesan kpd org dsekeliling kita...bukn snang sbnrnya utk kita memuaskan hati semua pihak bahkan kdgkala kita trpaksa berkorban demi org dsekeliling,apalah sgt p'orbanan yg kita lakukn jika hndak dbndgkn dgn p'orbanan ibu kita mlahirkn dn mmbesarkn kita....

Kdgkala mulut trlepas ckp,kdgkala kita x mmpu utk mlahirkn ktidakpuasan hati,kita ni trlalu brfikirn sempit...bukn mudh utk jd org yg sntiasa positif...dn bukn mudh jg utk kita m'nolak rasa marah dn geram kpd seseorg....tetapi,itulah kita slg kita masih brgelar manusia...kita tdk ada sifat 'MAKSUM' yg hnya ada pd Rasulullah...kdgkala,stiap pe yg kita kata 2 x sprti yg kita nyatakn...hati cuba utk m'nerima tp bkn mudah....Ya Allah...kdgkala 2 rsa cm ni putus,tringat kluarga kat rumah....Ya Allah...klu lah aq mmpu harunginya...jika ini yg KAU catatkn buat diriku...titipknlah kasih sayangMU agar aq mmpu mnjadi insan yg kuat dan tabah dlm mngharungi liku2 hidupku.................jgn biarkn aq terus mnyesali ujian drMU YA RAHMAN......Astaghfirullahalazim.......

Aq rasa dlm stiap khidupn itu pasti ada yg pahit dn mmbuatkn kita sukar utk mnerimanya...tetapi,carilh kekuatan itu supaya kita tdk m'ecewakn org yg bnar2 brharap pd kita...

Minta maaf pd mereka yg prnh trasa ats stiap dr kata2ku...mohon keampunan.....Setiap yg baik itu datgnya dr Allah dn yg kurang itu dr diri sy sendiri..

Semoga dgn adanya peluang itu, ambillah ia slg ia blum brlalu...jgn dibiarkn rasa dhati krana prncngan Allah m'atasi sgalanya..UKHUWAHFILLAH ABADAN ABADA...:-)



I have learn in this chapter that there is a supply chain order to manage effectively, the organization must embrace technologies..

Your company must used the same system with the supplier's..and if one department in that organizations use CRM, they must let the rest of the department know about it..

I have faced a little problem to understand this chapter, however when Miss Salina give an example of that particular terms, I can imagine it,..

In order to achieve your company objective, there is 5 BASICS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTS COMPONENTS..That is PLAN, SOURCE, MAKE, DELIVER and also RETURN...

If the company export their product to other country, and then it is return back to them, they must do a rework...

In conclusion, in this tell about how you generate your company  and how you act to your competing company? you behave to your competing company?..can you predict your consumer behavior?

Lastly, what do you expect from your company?? whether that is loss or not...keep up the trend and also the changes...\

That's all from me..have a nice day...:-)


We meet again..!! this is what I have learn in the chapter 9...

In organization, the have an organization levels that is in the top is EXECUTIVE, followed by MANAGERS and lastly is ANALYSIS...This IT System use more non-programmed decision in their organization..

I have also found that information is derived from operation..A DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DSS) is a model information to support managers and business professionals during the decision making process..It shows how organization make a decision by using the system..

In this chapter, I also found that everything in our life used an IT...for example, escalator in shopping complex...there are used an INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS as a commercial applications of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE..

There have 4 categories ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)...that is EXPERT SYSTEM that used in Petrol Station...they have used a AI in order to solve a problems...
Second is, NEURAL NETWORKS...that is emulate the way the human brain works..

In our house, there is a lot of IT System...that is washing machine which is the example of FUZZY LOGIC..
Most of us did not aware it..

Third is GENETIC is used to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem..if the company have faced a problem..they can used this system in order to solved it..

Lastly is INTELLIGENT AGENTS...that is special purpose knowledge based information system that accomplishes specific tasks on behalf of its users..example is Shopping Bot...(ALIBABA.COM)..

That's all from me..hope to see again..:-)


Senyum tawamu mengusik qalbuku...
Mencuit hati,mengusik hatiku...
Pandangan matamu meruntun jiwaku...
Memberi semangat memberi erti...
Jauh sudah kakiku melangkah...
Membawa bersama kenangan silamku...
Saat sepi melanda diriku...
Kenangan lalu menjengah kembali..
Menggugat iman ,mengusik perasaan...
Berbekal tekad dan juga harapan..
Mengukir senyuman mendambakan kebahagiaan..
Menjadi saksi pada sebuah kehidupan..
Lantas aku tegar mencari erti kejujuran...
Kebenaran yang sukar untuk aku impikan...
Tetapi mudah untuk aku lepaskan....


*Maksud puisi d atas,menceritakan tentg seorg insan yg masih mncari arah tuju slalu brkata hidup ini perlukan matlamat agar mudah utk kita mncorakkan masa hdapan...ttpi,dlm kita mlakar stiap masa hdapn itu...kdgkala kita hmpir shaja brputus asa dan kdgkalanya kita trpaksa brtindak m'ikot emosi...

Tapi, berfikirlah mengikut kewarasan akal dan iman, bukan mengikut nafsu dan kata hati semata2...:-)



Lets move on chapter 8..what we will find here is all about DATA WAREHOUSE..
Data warehouse is the place where we keep all the needs to go through several process before the data keep it..

Data warehouse will work simultaneously and continually.....before this, I admit that my knowledge about IT is very poor, however, after I learn about this chapter now I have found that there is DATA WAREHOUSE to keep the information..if before this, I only know pen drive, disk, and also CD..but now, my knowledge about Data Warehouse is improved..However, there is a lot of technology that I have to study more...

There is a internal databases and external databases before the process of extraction, transformation and loading..This databases then will keep in Data Warehouse...

If we want to find the data, we can use DATA MINING, through analysis,  you also can have a specific data..
If the information is wrong or there is a misstatement, we can use INFORMATION CLEANSING @ SCRUBBING to discards or weeds out...

While, Business Intelligence is to support decision making efforts..It include of TECHNOLOGY, PEOPLE, and CULTURE...

In company, if they need a high quality of information, they have to invest a lot of money in order to get it..

That's all my comment...See again...:-)



Now, lets join me!!
For this time, I will comment about chapter 7..what is the interesting part of this chapter??

That is DATABASE.. what is the use of database??database is a place that information is having database, the information can be protect and it will help us to find the data..

However, we have to make sure that the information is not redundant, if not there will have a problem to us to identify the information...

In database, there is a column and raw to differentiated between ENTITY and ATTRIBUTES..In order to manage and organize various entity classes, there must have a PRIMARY KEY..that is a field ( group or fields ) that uniquely identifies a given entity in a table..

Having a database, it will give an advantages to the user, such as increased flexibility, increased information security, reduced information redundancy and many more..

Now, I aware t\hat database is a system that provided to us to make an information more accurate and complete...

That's all...we will meet again...